Welcoming The HTXelerator!
The HTXelerator recently launched in Houston as an affiliate of The ATXelerator. We share a mission to identify and prepare future-focused leaders for public service and to educate the community about solutions that will improve the quality of life across Texas.
The HTXelerator is currently accepting applications for its inaugural class in Houston. If you are interested in applying: click here!
If you have any questions about the program or are looking for other ways to get involved with The HTXelerator, please contact Executive Director Randy Romman at: randy.romman@htxelerator.org.

Looking to start an ATXelerator affiliate chapter?
The ATXelerator, a nonpartisan, good-government civic organization, is actively recruiting additional affiliate chapters throughout Texas and the U.S.
If your community is looking for a proven and successful program to engage your citizens in local government, the ATXelerator model is fully adaptable to any locality. Class graduates often serve on city boards and commissions and, in some cases, run for local office.
Please reach out to Founder and ATXelerator Executive Director, Ward Tisdale, for information about organizing an affiliate chapter in your city.
ward.tisdale@atxelerator.org or (512) 415-5544