A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Sam Angoori- Austin Resource Recovery
Tommy Ates- AURA
Melissa Ayala- Waller Creek Conservancy
Julie Barr- Capital Metro
Chandra R. Bhat- University of Texas Professor
Charisse Bodisch- Austin Chamber of Commerce
Leah Bojo- The Drenner Group
Katy Bourgeois- Mission Capital
Bill Brice- Austin Downtown Alliance
Joe Canales- Former Assistant City Manager
Greg Canally- Austin Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Ken Casaday- Austin Police Department
Mike Clark-Madison- Austin Chronicle
George Cofer- Hill Country Conservancy
David Colligan- Austin Economic Development
Nicole Conley- Austin Independent School District
Mayor Lee Cooke
Matt Curtis- GPS Policy Group
Gerald Daugherty- Travis County Commissioner
Todd Davey- NXP
Gary Farmer- Opportunity Austin
Tucker Ferguson- Texas Department of Transportation
Dave Floyd- 2014 D5 candidate
Aaron Fox- Lyft
George Gogonas- AISD
Rodney Gonzales- Austin Assistant City Manager
Robert Goode- Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority
Adam Gregory- Texas Disposal Systems
Jeff Hahn- Hahn Public Communications
Rondella Hawkins- Austin Telecommunications
Mike Heiligenstein- Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority
Todd Hemingson- Capital Metro
Laura Huffman- Nature Conservancy
Phil Jankowski- Austin American Statesman
Mary Alice Kaspar- Columbus Communications
Dan Keshet- Austin on Your Feet (Class of 2019)
Greg Kiloh- City of Austin Redevelopment Project Manager (Seaholm)
Michael King- Austin Chronicle
Mayor Lee Leffingwell
Mark Littlefield- Littlefield Consulting
Karen Lorenzini- Texas Department of Transportation
Teresa Lutes- Austin Water
Jeremy Martin- Austin Chamber of Commerce
Charles Martinez- University of Texas, School of Education
Anthony Marquardt- Austin- Travis County EMT
Terry McCoy- Texas Department of Transportation
Audrey McGlinchy- KUT Radio
Weston McKee- Political consultant
Meg Merritt- Nelson/ Nygaard
Mike Miller- Austin History Center
Thomas Miranda- Sparkovaton Advisors
Terry Mitchell- Momark Development
Kate Moore- Austin ECHO
Melissa Morrow- Austin Junior League
Farah Muscadin- Austin Office of the Police Monitor
Bob Nicks- Austin Fire Department
Brion Oaks- City of Austin Chief Equity Officer
Ron Oliveira- Oliveira Public Communications
Liz Pagano- Austin Monitor
Kazique Prince- Office of the Mayor
Pike Powers- Pike Powers Consulting
Steve Pulstenyk- Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority
Richard Reddick- University of Texas, School of Education
Russ Rhea- Hahn Communications
Chris Riley- Former Austin Council Member
Cary Roberts- Greater Austin Crime Commission
Ryan Robinson- City of Austin Demographer
Daniel Salazar- Austin Business Journal
Sam Sargent- Capital Metro
Michael Searle- Austin Civic Fund
Margaret Shaw- City of Austin Redevelopment Project Manager (Seaholm)
Ted Siff- Shoal Creek Conservancy
Daryl Slusher- Austin Water
Ken Snipes- Austin Resource Recovery
Phyllis Snodgrass- Austin Habitat for Humanity
Jeff Stensland- Spectrum News
Lonny Stern- Capital Metro
Chad Swiatecki- Austin Monitor
Robert Thomas- Texas General Services Commission
Mayor Bruce Todd
Dr. Lila Valencia- Texas Demography Center
Jeff Vice- Austin Energy
Collin Wallis- Austin Parks Foundation
Senator Kirk Watson
Selena Xie- Austin/ Travis Country EMS